Let’s talk about mental health

We're determined to fight stigma, prejudice, and discrimination. Here's how we push the boundaries of what's possible

For decades, mental health has been a taboo subject in many societies around the world. We found ourselves silenced by cultural taboos, prejudice, and a lack of mental health awareness in our region.


What stands in our way

1 in 5

Women experience a common mental disorder, such as anxiety or depression.

970 +

Million people suffer from a common mental health disorder.


Of women were considered at high risk of developing mental health disorders.


We decided to do something about it

We want to make a difference in how the world views mental health because it shouldn't be a shame to struggle. We found our purpose in reaching out to like-minded people and raising awareness about mental health through fashion


Making Mental Health Accessible

We have partnered up with local associations to work together with psychologists, yoga instructors, psychiatrists, and occupational therapists to promote public mental health awareness and reduce the stigma through psycho-education talks, workshops, and media contributions.


Introducing Evolve Club: Mental Health Awareness Workshops

Evolve is our loyalty club for our VIP customers. Through workshops, we communicate openly to better understand mental health in our region.

In addition, we promote the awareness and treatment of mental and emotional disorders, allowing our members with similar interests to interact and share innovative ideas

Evolve Club: What do our members get?


Exclusive resources & skills to overcome personal struggles with mental health.


Guidance from practical and experienced professionals, psychologists, and entrepreneurs


Collaborate with a network of like-minded people to promote mental health awareness in the region

Redefining Luxury
Through Mindfulness